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Elipse Mobile 1.7 released


New version of Elipse Software’s mobile platform improves upon its performance and security

Elipse Software have just updated their platform that allows accessing applications for supervision and control of processes via mobile devices (smartphones or tablets). The screens of Elipse Mobile version 1.7 are now saved as individual files, which improves the software’s performance when editing large-sized applications.

The updated version also features the option to set up the application’s initial screen according to user or group. For example, it is now possible to set up the application so that a user group from a specific branch of the company be able to access the context from that branch directly, with no need to first browse through high-level screens that usually feature links that are not supported for that group. The latest version also allows uploading and downloading applications in the cloud.

To improve the platform’s security, Elipse Mobile 1.7 features a new mechanism that protects it from brute-force attacks, which helps mitigate unauthorized access attempts. Last but not least, the new version features options for strengthening password hash, as well as helping the user to set up more robust, confidential passwords.

For further information on these features and more, access the Elipse Mobile 1.7’s Release Notes.

About Elipse Mobile

A mobile platform for automation systems integration, Elipse Mobile allows accessing SCADA applications via smartphones or tablets, which enables monitoring indicators and sending commands from anywhere. With it, managers can get a constant update of their business with no need for fixed workstations, which means gains in agility and efficiency for controlling their processes.

About Elipse Software

As a player in the international market for the past 38 years, Elipse Software develops powerful software tools for real-time management of industrial processes, energy, wastewater, and infrastructure. Compatible with hundreds of different systems and devices, Elipse products turn data into strategic information and undergo constant upgrades for better operational efficiency, scale gains, maximized yields, and minimized losses.