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Elipse Software’s Scheduling Library updated


Native support to Elipse Power and Elipse Water objects is the highlight of the latest version

Elipse Software, the global software developer of remote process management solutions, has just updated the Scheduling Library, a tool for scheduling commands and parameters/setpoints. Among all the improvements of latest version, we highlight the native support to objects of Elipse Power (commands) and Elipse Water (commands and parameters), in addition to the well-known objects of PlantModel (commands and parameters).

The library allows configuring properties in the Parameter object and features a new mode for configuring recurrence per hour. Now, screen objects are also available in their Spanish translation. Furthermore, the new version has improved the search filters, adding options for schedule type, products, and others. It is also possible to configure the server’s/viewers’ time zone, enable/disable schedules, and customize the information template.

For further details about the new features in this version, check out the library’s manual. Please note that previous versions of this library will only be eligible for support until the end of the current year (2024), therefore we emphasize the importance of updating this tool before the deadline.