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Elipse Drivers – August/2023


Check out the latest developments for Elipse drivers

To better integrate our platforms with several equipment and automation systems, we at Elipse Software have a drivers portfolio that currently offers more than 450 different I/O drivers. We focus on developing new drivers on a regular basis, and on improving and adapting the existing ones for projects that require customized needs. The complete list of Elipse drivers and their corresponding documentation is available for download at our website.

Check out the latest developments for Elipse drivers:

Driver Intelbras ISEC AMT – v1.0.12: New driver by Elipse Software. It works as a low-cost IoT device to collect data and alarms in water and wastewater applications, and can also be used as an alarms central for houses and industries.

AnsaldoSTS MicrolokII – v1.0.2: Microlok II is a protocol developed by Hitachi Rail STS, formerly Ansaldo STS, which applies specifically to railroad interlocks solutions. Version 1.0.2 features: new configurations for each recipient, sending Vital and Non-Vital Data, and tag reading via callbacks.

IEC 61850 – v3.0.43: Client driver for monitoring and controlling devices such as protection relays and other servers based on IEC 61850 standard. Version 3.0.43 features: faster reconnection to devices after a communication outage, support to arrays inside datasets, and a new graphic interface for configuring redundancy via PRP (Parallel Redundancy Protocol).

Elipse Send Mail – v2.0.13: Driver for sending data via e-mail from any Elipse application tags. Version 2.0.13 features: support to E3 Tag Browser and more complex HTML formatting for the message’s body.

SNMP Manager (50 connections) – v2.0.24: Driver for collecting data from several devices on the network, such as switches, routers, servers, and others. It also allows editing configurations in order to develop an Elipse E3 application for monitoring networks and infrastructure with products from different vendors. Supports versions V1, V2C, and V3 of the protocol. Version 2.0.24 features: a new option for parsing MIB files and support to NTCIP DMS (Dynamic Message Sign) standard, which provides communication with highway and railroad signaling equipment.