Elipse launches EPM Processor
Elipse Plant Manager (EPM) is a platform that works as a mission-critical vector in the ongoing search for more quality, fewer costs, and higher operational efficiency. Developed by Elipse Software, a global player specialized in solutions for remote process management, EPM now offers a new environment geared for integration and continuous data analyses.

EPM Processor’s screen
EPM Processor is a web tool integrated to EPM that executes Python codes, based on simulated or real-time events. It allows retrieving, organizing, analyzing, sharing, and monitoring data stemming from processes or from other different sources, all in a safe, easily manageable environment, which is a crucial requirement for data management.
For further information (manuals and real-life examples for Python codes), access Elipse’s GitHub repository or contact us at epm@elipse.com.br.
Click here to download the demo version of EPM Processor.